Tokyo, Japan – In an official announcement, the studio PlatinumGames revealed that Hideki Kamiyagame designer, director and executive vice president of PlatinumGames, will leave the...
Publisher Bandai Namco and developer Game Studio have released a new trailer for SYNDUALITY: Echo of Ada, titled “Old Amasia Investigation,” which introduces the story...
Rocket Panda Games has announced Phantom Breaker: Battle Grounds Ultimatea remastered version of the side-scrolling fighting game, rebuilt from the ground up with Unreal Engine...
City Connection has announced at a Tokyo Game Show 2023 event that it has delayed the launch of WiZmans World Re:Trypreviously scheduled for 2023, a...
LeftOver has released the second trailer for Asura The Striker, an arcade-style 3D shooter, along with the announcement of a delay to its previously planned...
Square Enix has excited fans by releasing new information and screenshots of Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Princefeaturing the game’s story and key characters, as...