Assassin’s Creed Shadows has been warmly-received by fans of the series – and is off to a good start sales-wise, too – but players still have a long list of suggestions for what they’d like to see Ubisoft add to the game next.
A lengthy thread on the Assassin’s Creed reddit has dozens of feature ideas – including a particularly prominent handful of concepts from other Assassin’s Creed games that didn’t return in Shadows that fans want to see added back.
The ability to meditate and move the game’s clock forward – changing day to night, or vice versa – is a big request. I can see why this didn’t initially make the cut in Shadows, as stealth is such a big deal and I’d always change the clock to night for an easier ride (Naoe specifically has skills which boost her stealth after dark). But also, waiting for the night is no fun.
Numerous fans have asked for your mount’s “follow path” option to return. Present in several recent Assassin’s Creed games, this essentially put your horse on autopilot, allowing you to go check your phone for a bit. I actually appreciate that this isn’t included in Shadows, with road traversal instead spiced up with random encounters – both friend and foe.
Smaller requests include hair and beard customisation (as seen in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla), fishing (again, as in Valhalla), faster selling/dismantling of gear, the ability to show headgear in cutscenes, an option to remove yellow paint, and the addition of poses for photo mode.
The majority of fan requests are relatively minor – which is a good thing! There are surprisingly (to me) few requests for the return of the arrival drone, which I liked using but doesn’t fit with Shadows’ more detailed exploration mechanics.
A good number of fans have simply asked for the ability to sit down wherever in the game and watch the world go by.
“Let me pinch Junjiro’s cheeks on demand,” Soapy_Grapes wrote. Sure.
Will any of these suggestions make the cut? Ubisoft has already committed to evolving Shadows further over the coming weeks and months.
“Thank you for being part of this journey with us,” the Assassin’s Creed Shadows development team at Ubisoft Quebec wrote in a message to fans this past weekend. “This is just the beginning for Shadows, and we’re thrilled to see the game evolve with you by our side.”
“Majestic in scope, impressive in detail, Ubisoft’s epic adventure honours the beauty of feudal Japan, even if its strongest moments are saved for the personal stories of its two protagonists,” I wrote in Eurogamer’s Assassin’s Creed Shadows review.