March 26, 2025
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Does anyone really want long games any more?

Let’s face it, we aren’t getting any younger. And hell, those of us still lucky enough to call ourselves young will be older soon enough. With great age comes great responsibilities, as the saying goes, but these are not cool responsibilities like kicking a man made out of sand in the face like Spider-Man’s got. No, these are responsibilities like doing the weekly shop, working a nine-to-five, or cleaning dog poop off the carpet because someone had an itchy bum (wasn’t me, I promise).

The older you get, the more life gets in the way of video games, in other words. But is it all our fault? Or is it also a fact that games are, too often, now also artifically inflated in size?

Are games too long nowadays? Why are they getting longer and, perhaps most importantly, does anyone actually want long games any more? These are all questions that I ask (and attempt to answer) in my opinion video that just went live on our YouTube channel – and you can watch it if you click on the player just below these words.

This one! Click here!Watch on YouTube

Please do try to watch all the way through before immediately heading the comments below, as I would be genuinely interested to know what you lot think about long games in general. (I’m anticipating a 50/50 split in opinions here between people who’ve got a bunch of free time and those who can only sneak in a quick sesh of something between the kid’s bedtimes and their own, but we shall see!)

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