Developer Far From Home has revealed that its long-awaited airship-themed first-person survival adventure game, Forever Skieswill arrive as a debut exclusive on consoles for PlayStation 5, along with its version for PC (Steam), in 2024. This partnership marks an important milestone for the studio, which has signed a collaboration agreement with Sony Interactive Entertainment, obtaining development support and financing that will allow the simultaneous launch of the game on both platforms.

Forever Skies, which was also previously announced for Xbox Series, will be released on PC in early access via Steam, where it debuted on June 22, 2023. While it was not directly mentioned in today’s press release, the terms “ console debut exclusive” and “at launch” suggest that the Xbox Series version is likely to arrive after the launch on PlayStation 5 and PC.
“Far From Home has partnered with PlayStation to focus on making Forever Skies the best it can be for its console debut,” Andrzej Blumenfeld, Forever Skies gameplay lead, said in a press release. “So, at the end of early access on PC when we are ready to release the full game, we will release it on PlayStation 5 for consoles. Don’t worry though, this won’t affect ongoing development or the release of the Steam version coming out at the same time.”
Additionally, a new patch has been released for the Early Access version, adding over 45 quality of life improvements. The next major content update, which will include the next story chapter, more complex airship gardening systems, new locations, and new equipment, is planned to be released in March or April. The final release will support both single-player and four-player co-op play.
Fountain: Gematsu