The ever-reliable Nightdive Studios has announced that they have been hard at work remastering the classic I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream, which was originally released years ago on MS-DOS and MacOS. The retro game will be coming to current consoles on 27th March and will be available via the Nintendo eShop. Here’s what to expect from the psychological adventure game: I
- Assume the roles of five different characters, each in a unique environment.
- Challenging dilemmas dealing with powerfully charged emotional issues.
- Provocative psychological and adult-oriented themes
- Based on Harlan Ellison’s short story “I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream”, one of the ten most reprinted stories in the English language.
- Full digitized speech with over 40 different characters and state of the art animation.
- Harlan Ellison as the voice of the insane master computer, AM.