March 31, 2025
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Riot Games announces significant LoL Lee Sin rework

Riot Games brings the rework of Read without in “League of Legends” for 2024, it is mainly a visual redesign and does not affect its abilities, keeping its gameplay intact.
This update for PC, called Aesthetics Sustainability Update (ASU), has focused on modernizing its appearance to align it with current game standards, improving the quality of Lee Sin’s textures and animations. The changes include visual improvements in all its skins and effects, maintaining its visual identity but with a sharper and more detailed finish. The animations for her abilities, such as her Q and E, have been updated to be more impactful and visually appealing (​​ (zleague)​​ (zleague)​.

Riot Games Improves Lee Sin’s redesign and visual clarity, helping to differentiate him more clearly from other champions, especially in games with a lot of skins and visuals. In addition, several technical problems with the previous model that made animation difficult, such as problems with its neck and the rigidity of its silhouette, have been resolved. This not only improves the visual quality but also the fluidity and naturalness of your movements. (League of Legends)​.

This rework is now available in the Public Test Environment (PBE) and is expected to hit live servers with patch 14.9, scheduled for late April 2024. This update is an excellent news for Lee Sin players, as it enhances the visual experience without altering the gameplay mechanics they are accustomed to.

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