The fourth season of Netflix’s Witcher adaptation is on its way, and we’ve now got word of a new character for the show. That’s not too exciting in itself, but this particular addition to the show marks a notable change. You see, this is the Netflix series’ first game-exclusive character to pop up on the small screen.
Since its conception, Netflix’s Witcher team has refrained from adapting anything particularly game-specific, sticking instead with characters and beasties based on Andrzej Sapkowski’s novels and short stories. Of course, there has been the occasional reference back to CDPR’s own Sapkowski-based works, such as Henry Cavill’s Geralt taking a nice, steamy bath (see header image above).
That’s changing for the show’s fourth season, however, with the reported addition of actor Jack Myers. According to Witcher fan site Redanian Intelligence, Myers – who has starred in the likes of The Crown and Call the Midwife, as well as lending his vocal talents to games such as Elden Ring and Dying Light 2 – has landed the role of Roderick de Wett, a character from the original Witcher game.
Now, if you haven’t heard of Roderick de Wett, don’t worry – he didn’t exactly have a huge role in the first Witcher. He was a Nilfgaardian Count, and member of the religious knightly order known as The Order of the Flaming Rose (or sometimes just The Order).
Roderick isn’t an especially nice chap, and Geralt isn’t a fan of his. To give you an idea of his personality, here is what his Gwent card reads:
“Count de Wett is exceptionally loathsome and arrogant, but at least he enjoys a little dice poker on the side.”
While Roderick only – thus far – appears in CDPR’s video game, there is a potential link to Sapkowski’s written Witcher work. A Nilfgaardian noble by the name of Joachim de Wett pops up in books Time of Contempt, The Tower of the Swallow and The Lady of the Lake. Meanwhile, Joachim’s skull can also be found in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Given the name and both characters’ backgrounds, it seems likely they are related in some way.
Myers won’t be the only new face on the scene when The Witcher season four makes its debut. He will be joining newcomers Laurence Fishburne as Regis and Danny Woodburn as Geralt’s dwarf friend Zoltan Chivay.
Meanwhile, Hunger Games star Liam Hemsworth is set to take on the mantle of The Witcher’s white-haired monster hunter for the show’s final two seasons, following the departure of Henry Cavill.