Cyan, the developer behind the successful Myst remake, has revealed that the sequel, announced in October 2022, will be titled “Riven: New Discoveries from the...
Developer hinyari9 has excited fans by announcing the release of the sequel to Marfusha: Sentinel Girls and the shooter Snezhinka: Sentinel Girls 2 for PC...
Untold Tales and Demagog Studio have announced that their next game, The Cubwill be released for PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Switch, and PC via Steam...
Bandai Namco, the renowned publisher, and ILCA, the developer, have released an exciting gameplay trailer for SAND LAND, the upcoming action RPG based on the...
Developer Creepy Jar has announced a title change for its sci-fi co-op first-person shooter, Chimera, which was announced in June. The new name of the...
Publisher United Label and developer Odd Bug Studio have released the “Bright Fir Forest” update for the hand-drawn adventure RPG, Tails of Iron. This update...
Publisher rokaplay and developer FIRECHICK have released the long-awaited 1.1 update for Super Dungeon Maker, which introduces exciting additions to enhance the gaming experience. This...
Santa Ragione and Eyeguys have revealed that on March 5, 2024 they will release Mediterranea Inferno, a captivating visual novel, for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series,...
Bandai Namco and FromSoftware have revealed that on December 19 they will release update 1.05 for Armored Core VI: Fires of Rubicon, called “Ranked Matchmaking...